Treatise of the Fear of God

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John Bunyan 1679
  • This Word Fear as Taken for God Himself
  • Of This Word Fear as It is Taken for the Word of God
  • Of Several Sorts of Fear of God in the Heart of the Children of Men
  • Reasons Why the Spirit of God Cannot Work This Ungodly Fear
  • This Ungodly Fear Wrought by the Spirit of the Devil
  • This Fear Driveth a Man from God
  • Considerations to Prevent Such Temptations
  • Carriages of Some of the Saints Under Heavy Afflictions for Sin
  • How the Devil Worketh These Fears
  • The People of God Should Fear His Rod
  • Five Considerations to Move to Child-Like Fear
  • Of the Grace of Fear More Immediately Intended in the Text
  • Of the Privileges of Them That Thus Do Fear the Lord
  • The Use of This Doctrine
  • A Few Things That May Provoke Thee to Fear the Lord
  • Use Second: an Exhortation to Fear God
  • How to Grow in This Fear of God
  • What Things They are That Have a Tendency in Them to Hinder the Growth of the Fear of God in Our Hearts
  • Use Third: of Encouragement
  • A Word to Hypocrites
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,” and “a fountain of life”—the foundation on which all wisdom rests, as well as the source from whence it emanates. Upon a principle so vastly important, all the subtle malignity of Satan has been directed, if possible to mislead the very elect; while the ungodly and impenitent fall under his devices. To the mind enlightened by Divine truth, the difference between a filial fear of offending God and the dread of punishment is very plain. Still, by the devil’s sophistry, some of the most pious Christians have been puzzled and bewildered. Bunyan was not ignorant of Satan’s devices, and he has roused the energies of his powerful mind, guided by Divine truth, to render this important doctrine so clear and easy to be understood, that the believer may not err. - Summary by George Offor, the editor

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