Exposition upon the Song of the Blessed Virgin Mary called Magnificat

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Martin Luther 1538
  • My soul magnifieth the Lord
  • And my spirit rejoiceth in God my Saviour
  • For he hath looked upon the low degree of his handmaiden...
  • For He that is mighty hath done great things unto me, and holy is his name
  • And his mercy endureth throughout all generations upon them that fear him
  • He showeth strength with his arm...
  • He remembereth mercy and helpeth up his servant Israel
  • Even as he promised unto our fathers, Abraham and to his seed forever
Luther's 1521 exposition of the Magnificat was written for John Frederick I, Elector of Saxony (1503-1554), at that time a teenager. It was written in two parts, being interrupted by Luther's appearance at the Diet of Worms. It is sermonic in form but written to be read rather than heard. - Summary by InTheDesert

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