
(0 User reviews)   111
By Listen TheBook Posted on Jan 29, 2024
In Category - Drama
Jean Racine 1897
  • Introduction and Dramatis Personae
  • Act 1
  • Act 2
  • Act 3
  • Act 4
  • Act 5
This play, with which Racine's dramatic career fittingly concluded, was composed for semi-private performance by the young ladies of the College of Saint Cyr, where it was first acted, as well as afterwards, at Versailles, in 1691. It was not represented at a public theatre till 1716, a delay due, it may be, to it's sacred character, though probably quite as much to the general lack of appreciation with which it had for long to contend. It is now universally acknowledged to deserve either first or second place among Racine's masterpieces, Phèdre being it's rival for the palm.

The scriptural narrative is faithfully followed as the main outline of the plot; and whatever Racine has added, such as Athaliah's dream, her first sight of the youthful Joash, and the characters of Abner and Mattan, so far from presenting incongruous elements, enhances the dramatic interest of the story. (Summary by the Translator)

Cast List

Athaliah, Widow of Joram and Grandmother of Joash: Rita Boutros
Joash, King of Judah and Son of Ahaziah: Inkell
Jehoiada, the High Priest: Beeswaxcandle
Jehosheba, Aunt of Joash and Wife of the High Priest: De Anna Lee
Zachariah, Son of Jehoiada and Jehosheba: Greg Giordano
Salome, Sister of Zachariah: Sonia
Abner, a Chief Officer of the Kings of Judah: ToddHW
Azariah, a Chief of the Priests and Levites: Algy Pug
Ismael, a Chief of the Priests and Levites: Michelle R Wood
Mattan, an Apostate priest; Chief Priest of Baal: Larry Dahlke
Nabal, confidential Friend of Mattan: redrun
Hagar, an Attendant of Athaliah: Michelle R Wood
A Levite: David Purdy
Chorus of young Maidens of the Tribe of Levi: aliyu
Chorus of young Maidens of the Tribe of Levi: Elsye
Chorus of young Maidens of the Tribe of Levi: Rita Boutros
Stage Directions: Alan Mapstone
Audio Editor: ToddHW

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