Fenton's Quest

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Mary Elizabeth Braddon 1871
  • 01 - Chapter 1: The Common Fever
  • 02 - Chapter 2: Marian's Story
  • 03 - Chapter 3: Accepted
  • 04 - Chapter 4: John Saltram
  • 05 - Chapter 5: Halcyon Days
  • 06 - Chapter 6: Sentence of Exile
  • 07 - Chapter 7: Goodbye
  • 08 - Chapter 8: Missing
  • 09 - Chapter 9: John Saltram's advice
  • 10 - Chapter 10: Jacob Nowell
  • 11 - Chapter 11: The Marriage at Wygrove
  • 12 - Chapter 12: A Friendly Counsellor
  • 13 - Chapter 13: Mrs. Pallinson has Views
  • 14 - Chapter 14: Father And Son
  • 15 - Chapter 15: On The Track
  • 16 - Chapter 16: Face To Face
  • 17 - Chapter 17: Miss Carleys Admirers
  • 18 - Chapter 18: Jacob Nowell's Will
  • 19 - Chapter 19: Gilbert Asks A Question
  • 20 - Chapter 20: Drifting Away
  • 21 - Chapter 21: Father And Daughter
  • 22 - Chapter 22: At Lidford Again
  • 23 - Chapter 23: Called To Acount
  • 24 - Chapter 24: Tormented By Dout
  • 25 - Chapter 25: Missing Again
  • 26 - Chapter 26: In Bondage
  • 27 - Chapter 27: Only A Woman
  • 28 - Chapter 28: At Fault
  • 29 - Chapter 29: Baffled, Not Beaten
  • 30 - Chapter 30: Stricken Down
  • 31 - Chapter 31: Ellen Carley's Trials
  • 32 - Chapter 32: The Padlocked Door at Wyncomb
  • 33 - Chapter 33: What Must Be Shall Be
  • 34 - Chapter 34: Doubtful Information
  • 35 - Chapter 35: Bought With A Price
  • 36 - Chapter 36: Coming Round
  • 37 - Chapter 37: A Ful Confession
  • 38 - Chapter 38: An Ill-omened Wedding
  • 39 - Chapter 39: A Domestic Mystery
  • 40 - Chapter 40: In Pursuit
  • 41 - Chapter 41: Outward Bound
  • 42 - Chapter 42: The Pleasures of Wyncomb
  • 43 - Chapter 43: Mr. Whitelaw Makes an End of the Mystery
  • 44 - Chapter 44: After The Fire
  • 45 - Chapter 45: Mr. Whitelaw Makes His Will
  • 46 - Chapter 46: Ellen Regains Her Liberty
  • 47 - chapter 47: Closing Scenes
This story revolves around Gilbert Fenton, a very talented middle class businessman from London, who falls in love with a beautiful country woman far below his station. He decides to marry her anyway. But is she all that she seems?
(Summary by Stav Nisser.)

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