- Preface
- Chapter I
- Chapter II Part I
- Chapter II Part II
- Chapter III
- Chapter IV
- Chapter V Part I
- Chapter V Part II
- Chapter VI Part I
- Chapter VI Part II
- Chapter VII
- Chapter VIII
Chopin was a romantic era Polish composer. This work is a memoir by Liszt who knew Chopin both as man and artist. This memoir gives a unique understanding to the psychological character of the compositions of Chopin. It also offers Liszt's insight into some of Chopin's polonaises, especially the grand polonaise in F sharp minor. Liszt explains the strange emotion "ZAL" which is inclosed in his compositions. Then, presents a brief sketch on the lives of other great people in Chopin's circle. After that, Liszt discusses Chopin's fame and early life. Finally, Liszt gives a detailed account on Chopin's sufferings due to ill health and the unfortunate departure of the great composer. - Summary by Λ
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