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By Listen TheBook Posted on May 31, 2023
In Category - Poetry
Elizabeth Stoddard 1895
  • The Poet's Secret
  • November
  • Music in a Crowd
  • "I Live Within the Stranger's Gate"
  • The House of Youth
  • The House by the Sea
  • Christmas Comes Again
  • March
  • The Spring Afar
  • Why?
  • August
  • October
  • "The Willow Boughs are Yellow Now"
  • "In the Still, Star-Lit Night"
  • Autumn
  • The Autumn Sheaf
  • In the City
  • "I Love You, but a Sense of Pain"
  • Nameless Pain
  • A Baby Song
  • The Wife Speaks
  • The Husband Speaks
  • "One Morn I Left Him in His Bed"
  • Before the Mirror
  • "The Shadows on the Water Reach"
  • A Summer Night
  • "Fan Me with these Lilies Fair"
  • "Oh, the Wild, Wild Days of Youth!"
  • "On my Bed of a Winter Night"
  • "Hallo! My Fancy, Whither Wilt Thou Go?"
  • You Left Me
  • "O Friend, begin a Loftier Song"
  • "Now That the Pain is Gone, I Too Can Smile"
  • The Colonel's Shield
  • A Few Idle Words
  • Vers de Société
  • The Race
  • The Wolf-Tamer
  • The Abbot of Unreason
  • El Manolo
  • Mercedes
  • The Bull-Fight
  • On the Campagna
  • The Queen Deposed
  • A Unit
  • Zanthon - My Friend
  • Achilles in Orcus
  • Above the Tree
  • To an Artist
  • A Landscape
  • From the Headland
  • As One
  • The Visitings of Truth Known Elsewhere
  • We Must Wait
  • Unreturning
  • Closed
  • Memory is Immortal
  • The Tryst
  • No Answer
  • On the Hilltop
  • The Message
  • Exile
  • A Seaside Idyl
  • The Chimney-Swallow's Idyl
  • Last Days
These outstanding poems by the renowned author Elizabeth Stoddard speak of the poet's hunger for the freedom of an idyllic future - a hunger enhanced by a contagious idealism characteristic of Stoddard's exceptional poetic dexterity.

These are poems that elevate the listener to levels only dreamed of by the poet herself - to visions of freedom based on the essential and universal craving of a soul burdened, indeed caught within a mundane world of the commonplace.

Abundant in these works is the poet's empathy with the plight of mankind whom she envisions as trapped on a treadmill, vainly attempting to escape the traditional but remaining caught and destined - albeit while on the very threshold of an existence shaped by the reality of the struggle - to re-emerge into a world which is in a profusion of anguishing ways dishearteningly similar to that of before.

Elizabeth Stoddard's relentless pursuit in verse of the happiness that accompanies an idealized life free from social restraints and limitations has produced this collection of some of the finest poetical works of the late nineteenth century. - Summary by Bruce Kachuk

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