- Preface
- From the Tribune to the War Department
- At the front with Grant's army
- Before and Around Vicksburg
- In camp and battle with Grant and his generals
- Some contemporary portraits
- The siege of Vicksburg
- Pemberton's surrender
- With the Army of the Cumberland
- The removal of Rosecrans
- Chattanooga and Missionary Ridge
- The War Department in war times
- Abraham Lincoln and his cabinet
- The Army of the Potomac in '64
- The great game between Grant and Lee
- The march on Petersburg
- Early's raid and the Washington panic
- The secret service of the war
- A visit to Sheridan in the valley
- 'On to Richmond' at last!
- The Closing Scenes at Washington
Recollections of the Civil War records the events that took place during the American Civil war. It forms one of the most remarkable volumes of historical, political, and personal reminiscences which have been given to the public. Mr. Dana wrote these Recollections of the civil war according to a purpose which he had entertained for several years. They were completed only a few months before his death on October 17, 1897. Go to the e-book on this book's catalog page for some great illustrations and an index. (Summary by Preface and WoollyBee)
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