Selected Letters of Saint Jane Frances de Chantal

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Saint Jane Frances de Chantal 1917
  • Prefaces
  • Judgement of St. Francis on the Virtue of Mother de Chantal and To St. Francis de Sales
  • To the Same
  • To M. Legros at Dijon
  • The Duke of Savoy to St. Jane Frances de Chantal
  • To Madame d'Auxerre, Foundress of the Monastery of the Visitation at Lyons
  • To St. Francis de Sales
  • To the Sisters of the Monastery of the Visitation of Annecy
  • To Sister Jeanne Charlotte de Bréchard, Assistant and Mistress of Novices at Annecy
  • To Sister Péronne Marie de Châtel at Lyons
  • To Mother Marie Jacqueline Favre, Superior at Lyons
  • To the Same
  • To the Same
  • To Sister Péronne Marie de Châtel at Lyons
  • To Mother Marie Jacqueline Favre, Superior at Lyons
  • To Sisters Péronne Marie de Châtel and Marie Aimée de Blonay
  • To Mother M. J. Favre
  • To Madame de Gouffier
  • To Mother Jacqueline Favre, Superior at Lyons
  • To Sister Marie Aimée de Blonay, Mistress of Novices at Lyons
  • To the Same
  • To Mother Marie Jacqueline Favre, Superior at Lyons
  • To the Same
  • To Mother Jeanne Charlotte de Bréchard, Superior at Moulins. On the death of the Saint's daughter, Madame de Thorens
  • To M. de Neuchèze, the Saint's nephew
  • To Mother Marie Jacqueline Favre, Superior at Lyons
  • To Madame de la Fléchère
  • To Sister Paule Jéronyme de Monthoux, Mistress of Novices at Annecy
  • To M. Michel Favre, Confessor to St. Francis de Sales, and to the Religious of the Visitation at Annecy
  • To Sister Anne Marie Rosset, Assistant at Annecy
  • To Sister Paul Jéronyme de Monthoux, Mistress of Novices at Annecy
  • To Madame de la Fléchère
  • To Mother Jeanne Charlotte de Bréchard, Superior at Moulins
  • To Mother Péronne Marie de Châtel, Superior at Grenoble
  • To Mother Marie Jacqueline Favre, Superior at Lyons
  • To Mother Marie Jacqueline Favre, Superior at Lyons
  • To the Sisters of the Visitation of Bourges
  • To the Sisters of the Visitation of Moulins
  • To Mother Péronne-Marie de Châtel, Superior at Grenoble
  • To Mademoiselle de Chantal
  • To Mother Jeanne Charlotte de Bréchard, Superior at Moulins
  • To Mademoiselle de Chantal
  • To Sister Marie-Marthe Legros, at Bourges
  • To Madame du Tertre
  • To M. de Palierne, Treasurer of France at Moulins
  • To St. Francis de Sales
  • To Madame de la Fléchère
  • To the Countess de Toulonjon
  • To Mother Marie Jacqueline Favre, Superior at Montferrand
  • To M. de Neuchèze
  • To Mother Anne Catherine de Beaumont, Superior of the First Monastery of Paris
  • To Mother Marie Jacqueline Favre, Superior at Dijon
  • To Mother Anne Catherine de Beaumont, Superior of the First Monastery of Paris
  • To Mother Marie Hélène de Chastellux, Superior at Moulins
  • To Sister Marie Marguerite Milletot at Dijon
  • To Sister Françoise Gasparde de la Grave, Assistant to the Superior at Belley
  • To Mgr. the Bishop of Autun
  • To Sister Anne Marie Rosset, Assistant and Mistress of Novices at Dijon
  • To the Rev. Father Dom John de Saint François, General of the Order of Feuillants
  • To a Religious of the First Monastery of the Visitation at Paris
  • To the Countess de Toulonjon
  • To Sister Anne Catherine de Sautereau, Mistress of Novices at Grenoble
  • To Mother Anne Catherine de Beaumont, Superior of the First Monastery of Paris
  • To the Same
  • Mother Marie Adrienne Fichet, Superior at Rumilly
  • To the Sisters of the Visitation
  • To Sister Anne Marie de Lage de Puylaurens, Assistant and Mistress of Novices at Bourges
  • To the Baron de Chantal, the Saint's Son
  • To the Same
  • To M. de Coulanges, Junior, at Paris
  • To the Countess de Toulonjon
  • To the Same
  • To Mother Marie-Adrienne Fichet, Superior at Rumilly
  • To Mother Anne Catherine de Beaumont, Superior of the First Monastery of Paris
  • To a Visitation Superior
  • To Mother Jeanne Hélène de Gérard, Superior at Embrun
  • To Sister Françoise-Angélique de la Croix de Fésigney, Mistress of Novices at Riom
  • To St. Vincent de Paul
  • To the Countess de Toulonjon
  • Extract from a letter to Mother Favre
  • To Sister Anne Marguerite Clément at Orleans
  • To Mother Catherine-Charlotte de Crémaux de la Grange
  • To M. Poiton, at Chambery
  • To Dom Galice, Barnabite Father at Montargis
  • To the Same
  • To Mother Anne Marguerite Clément, Superior at Montargis
  • To Sister Marie Denise Goubert, of the First Monastery of Lyons
  • To Dom Galice, Barnabite Father at Montargis
  • To Sister Marie Aimée de Morville, at Moulins
  • To M. de Coysia, Counsellor to the Royal Senate of Savoy
  • To the Countess de Toulonjon, at Pignerol
  • To Mgr. André Frémyot, formerly Archbishop of Bourges (the Saint's brother)
  • To a blind Sister
  • To Sister Bonne Marie de Haraucourt at Nancy
  • To Sister Paule Jéronyme de Monthoux, Sister Deposed, at Blois
  • To M. Noël Brulart, the Commander de Sillery
  • To the Countess de Toulonjon, at Alonne
  • Extract from a letter to M. Noël Brulart, the Commander de Sillery, at Paris
  • To the Countess de Toulonjon
  • To Sister Marie Aimée de Rabutin, Mistress of Novices at Annecy
  • To M. Noël Brulart, Commander de Sillery, at Paris
  • To Mother Marie Agnes Le Roy, Superior of the Second Monastery of Paris
  • To Sister Anne Louise de Marin de Saint Michel, Superior at Forcalquier
  • To the Abbê de Vaux
  • To a great Servant of God
  • To Mother Marie Aimée de Rabutin, Superior at Thonon
  • To St. Vincent de Paul at Paris
  • To Sister Claire-Marie-Françoise de Cusance at Gray
  • To Sister Jeanne Benigne Gojos, Lay Sister at Turin
  • To the Sister Louise-Angélique de la Fayette, at the First Monastery of Paris
  • To Madame the Duchess de Montmorency (née des Ursins)
  • To a Novice
Saint Jane Frances de Chantal (1572 – 1641) is a Roman Catholic Saint, who founded The Congregation of the Visitation after the death of her husband. St. Francis de Sales was her Spiritual Director and a close friend. After St. Francis de Sales died, St. Vincent de Paul became her spiritual director. These letters, which date from a range of 1611-1641, were written to her saintly spiritual directors, her children and relatives, other nuns and religious, as well many others. (Summary by Maria Therese)

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