Beau's Duel, or A Soldier for the Ladies

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By Listen TheBook Posted on Jun 1, 2023
In Category - Comedy
Susanna Centlivre 1872
A comedy, this was Centlivre's second play, first presented in 1702, and in her prologue she has made a big deal of the fact that this play has been written by a woman. The title tells you what we have here: We have Dueling Suitors for the affections of a young Lady and her heiress cousin, and we have Soldiers "from Conquest back return'd with Laurels Crown'd,where from the Fair, their just Rewards they found". Add in the Lady's Father, a former Mistress, a Fop, and a Fortune-Hunter, and it's time for a rollicking farce. - Summary by ToddHW

Cast list:
Colonel Manly, in love with Clarinda: Adrian Stephens
Captain Bellmein, his Friend: Elijah Fisher
Toper, an Enemy to Matrimony and a Friend to the Bottle: ToddHW
Sir William Mode, a Fop, in Love with Clarinda, and contenanced by her Father: Beeswaxcandle
Ogle, a Fortune-Hunter, a conceited Fellow that fancies every Body is in Love with him: Greg Giordano
Carefull, Father to Clarinda: Inkell
Clarinda, in Love with Manly: valroth
Emilia, her Cousin, an Heiress, newly come out of the Country: Jenn Broda
Mrs. Plotwell, formerly a Mistress to Bellmein: Sonia
Laric, as La Reviere, servant: Alan Mapstone
Mrs. Flora, Clarinda's maid: Inkell
Mrs. Plotwell's maid: Elsie Selwyn
Toby: Alan Mapstone
Drawer: redrun
Footman: David Purdy
Lan, the Tavern-Keeper: Inkell
Porter: Jim Locke
Serjeant: redrun
Stage Directions: Christine Rottger
Editing: ToddHW

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