Creeds of Christendom

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Various 1877
  • Of Creeds in General
  • Scripture Confessions
  • Creed of Ignatius, of Antioch A.D. 107
  • Creed of Irenaeus, of Gaul A.D. 180
  • Creed of Tertullian, of North Africa A.D. 200
  • Creed of Origen, of Alexandria. A.D. 230
  • Creed of Cyprian, of Carthage. A.D. 250
  • Creed of Novatian, of Rome. A.D. 250
  • Creed of Gregory Thaumaturgus, of Neo-Caesarea A.D. 270
  • Creed of Lucian, of Antioch A.D. 300
  • The Apostles' Creed
  • Eusebius, of Creed of Caesarea in Palestine A.D. 325
  • The Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed A.D. 325 and 381
  • The Private Creed of Arius A.D. 328
  • Creed of Cyril, of Jerusalem A.D. 350
  • Two Creeds of Epiphanius, of Cyprus A.D. 374
  • The Creed of Chalcedon A.D. 451
  • The Athanasian Creed
  • The Creed Of The Sixth Œcumenical Council, Against The Monothelites A.D. 680
  • The Sixty-Seven Articles of Ulrich Zwingli A.D. 1523
  • The Ten Theses of Berne A.D. 1528
  • Luther's Catechism Part I-II A.D. 1529
  • Luther's Catechism Part III-V A.D. 1529
  • The Augsburg Confession Part First A.D. 1530
  • The Augsburg Confession Part Second A.D. 1530
  • The First Helvetic Confession A.D. 1536
  • The Anglican Catechism A.D. 1549, 1662
  • The Gallican Confession A.D. 1559
  • The First Scotch Confession Article I-XV A.D. 1560
  • The First Scotch Confession Article XVI-XXV A.D. 1560
  • The Belgic Confession A.D. 1561
  • The Canons and Dogmatic Decrees of the Council of Trent Sessions 3-5 A.D.1563
  • The Canons and Dogmatic Decrees of the Council of Trent Session 6 A.D.1563
  • The Canons and Dogmatic Decrees of the Council of Trent Session 7 A.D.1563
  • The Canons and Dogmatic Decrees of the Council of Trent Session 13 A.D.1563
  • The Canons and Dogmatic Decrees of the Council of Trent Session 14 A.D.1563
  • The Canons and Dogmatic Decrees of the Council of Trent Sessions 21-22 A.D.1563
  • The Canons and Dogmatic Decrees of the Council of Trent Sessions 23-25 A.D.1563
  • The Heidelberg or Palatinate Catechism Question 1-74 A.D. 1563
  • The Heidelberg or Palatinate Catechism Question 75-129 A.D. 1563
  • The Thirty-Nine Articles of the Church of England A.D. 1563 and 1571
  • The Second Helvetic Confession Chapter I-XII A.D. 1566
  • The Second Helvetic Confession Chapter XIII-XVIII A.D. 1566
  • The Second Helvetic Confession Chapter XIX-XXX A.D. 1566
  • The Formula of Concord Article I-II A.D. 1576
  • The Formula of Concord Article III-VI A.D. 1576
  • The Formula of Concord Article VII-IX A.D. 1576
  • The Formula of Concord Article X-XII A.D. 1576
  • The Second Scotch Confession A.D. 1581
  • The Saxon Visitation Articles A.D. 1592
  • The Lambeth Articles A.D. 1595
  • The Arminian Articles A.D. 1610
  • The Irish Articles A.D. 1615
  • The Canons of the Synod of Dort A.D. 1619
  • The Orthodox Confession of the Eastern Church Part 1 A.D. 1643
  • The Orthodox Confession of the Eastern Church Part 2 A.D. 1643
  • The Savoy Declaration Confession of Faith and Platform of Discipline AD. 1658
  • The Orthodox Confession of the Eastern Church Part 3 A.D. 1643
  • The Profession of the Tridentine Faith A.D. 1564
  • The Orthodox Confession of the Eastern Church Part 4 A.D. 1643
  • The Orthodox Confession of the Eastern Church Part 5 A.D. 1643
  • The Orthodox Confession of the Eastern Church Part 6 A.D. 1643
  • The Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter I-XV A.D. 1647
  • The Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter XVI-XXIX A.D. 1647
  • The Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter XXX- A.D. 1647
  • The Westminster Shorter Catechism A.D. 1647
  • The Confession of the Waldenses A.D. 1655
  • The Savoy Declaration Preface AD. 1658
  • The Confession of Dositheus, or the Eighteen Decrees of the Synod of Jerusalem A.D. 1672
  • The Confession of the Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers A.D. 1675
  • The Confession of 1688 (the Philadelphia Confession)
  • The Easter Litany of the Moravian Church A.D. 1749
  • The Methodist Articles of Religion A.D. 1784
  • The Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England American Revision A.D. 1801
  • The Confession of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church (American) A.D. 1829
  • The Declaration of the Congregational Union of England and Wales A.D. 1833
  • The Longer Catechism of the Russian Church, prepared by Philaret, Revised and Approved by the Most Holy Synod A.D. 1839 - Introduction
  • The Longer Catechism of the Russian Church A.D. 1839 - On Faith, 1st & 2nd Articles
  • The Longer Catechism of the Russian Church A.D. 1839 - On Faith, 3rd to 7th Articles
  • The Longer Catechism of the Russian Church A.D. 1839 - On Faith, 8th & 9th Articles
  • The Longer Catechism of the Russian Church A.D. 1839 - On Faith, 10th Article concerning the Sacraments
  • The Longer Catechism of the Russian Church A.D. 1839 - On Faith, 11th & 12th Articles
  • The Longer Catechism of the Russian Church A.D. 1839 - On Hope, The Lord's Prayer
  • The Longer Catechism of the Russian Church A.D. 1839 - On Hope, The Beatitudes
  • The Longer Catechism of the Russian Church A.D. 1839 - On Love, The Commandments, 1st to 4th
  • The Longer Catechism of the Russian Church A.D. 1839 - On Love, The Commandments, 5th to 10th; Conclusion
  • The Nine Articles of the Evangelical Alliance A.D. 1846
  • The Confession of the Evangelical Free Church of Geneva A.D. 1848
  • The Decree of Pope Pius IX on the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary A.D. 1854
  • Papal Syllabus of the Principal Errors of our Time A.D. 1864
  • The Declaration of the Boston National Council A.D. 1865
  • The Free-will Baptist Confession A.D. 1868
  • Dogmatic Constitution on the Catholic Faith, Vatican Council A.D. 1870
  • First Dogmatic Constitution on the Church of Christ, Vatican Council A.D. 1870
  • First Dogmatic Constitution on the Church of Christ A.D. 1870
  • The Confession of the Free Italian Church A.D. 1870
  • The Declaration of the Oberlin National Council A.D. 1871
  • The Fourteen Theses of the Old Catholic Union Conference with Greeks and Anglicans A.D. 1874
  • The Old Catholic Agreement on the Filioque Controversy A.D. 1875
  • The Reformed Episcopal Articles of Religion (American) A.D. 1876
  • The Auburn Declaration (American) A.D. 1887
  • The New Hampshire Confession AD. 1888
This is based on Philip Schaff's Creeds of Christendom taking only the creeds that he selected, using the translations he supplied where possible but rearranged chronologically (using the dates he supplied) but excluding his commentary and notes.

"He who wishes to grow strong in his religious life, let him, I say, next to the Bible, feed himself on the great Creeds of the Church. There is a force of religious inspiration in them which you will seek in vain elsewhere. And this for good reasons. First, because it is ever true that it is by the truth that sanctification is wrought. And next, because the truth is set forth in these Creeds with a clearness and richness with which it is set forth nowhere else. For these Creeds are not the products of metaphysical speculation, as many who know infinitesimally little about them are prone to assert, but are the compressed and weighted utterances of the Christian heart.

"I do not think I go astray, therefore, when I say to you in all seriousness that the second and third volumes of Dr. Schaff’s Creeds of Christendom have in them more food for your spiritual life — are 'more directly, richly and evangelically devotional' — than any other book, apart from the Bible, in existence." (Summary by B.B. Warfield, "Spiritual Culture in the Theological Seminary", p.84-85)

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