- The Storm
- The Iceberg
- I Lose My Companions
- I Quit the Wreck
- I Sight a White Coast
- An Island of Ice
- I am Startled by a Discovery
- The Frozen Schooner
- I Lose my Boat
- Another Startling Discovery
- I Make further Discoveries
- A Lonely Night
- I Explore the Hold and the Forecastle
- An Extraordinary Occurrence
- The Pirate's Story
- I Hear of a Great Treasure
- The Treasure
- We Talk Over our Situation
- We Take a View of the Ice
- A Merry Evening
- We Explore the Mines
- A Change Comes Over the Frenchman
- The Ice Breaks Away
- The Frenchman Dies
- The Schooner Frees Herself
- I am Troubled by Thoughts of the Treasure
- I Encounter a Whaler
- I Strike a Bargain with the Yankee
- I Value the Lading
- Our Progress to the Channel
- The End
- Postscript
Drawing on his own experience as a merchant seaman, Russell gives us the fictionalized narrative of one Paul Rodney who found an icebound vessel in the South Atlantic, while captaining a pirate ship. Russell has been hailed as the pre-eminent English writer of his ilk, compared to such American writers as Melville and Dana. - Summary by Lynne Thompson
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