Goddess of Atvatabar

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By Listen TheBook Posted on May 31, 2023
In Category - Science Fiction
William Richard Bradshaw 1892
  • Introduction
  • A Polar Catastrophe
  • The Cause of the Expedition
  • Beginning the Voyage
  • Our Adventures in the Polar Sea
  • We Enter the Polar Gulf
  • Day Becomes Night and Night Day
  • We Discover the Interior World
  • Extraordinary Loss of Weight
  • Afloat on the Interior Ocean
  • A Visit from the Inhabitants of Plutusia
  • We Learn Atvatabarese
  • We Arrive at Kioram
  • Marching in Triumph
  • The Journey to Calnogor
  • Our Reception by the King
  • The King Unfolds the Grandeur of Atvatabar
  • Gnaphisthasia
  • The Journey to the Bormidophia
  • The Throne of the Gods, Calnogor
  • The Worship of Lyone, Supreme Goddess
  • An Audience with the Supreme Goddess
  • The Goddess Learns the Story of the Outer World
  • The Garden of Tanje
  • The Journey to Egyplosis
  • Escaping from the Cyclone
  • The Banquet on the Aerial Ship
  • We Reach Egyplosis
  • The Grand Temple of Harikar
  • The Installation of a Twin-Soul
  • The Installation of a Twin-Soul (Continued)
  • The Mystery of Egyplosis
  • The Sin of a Twin-Soul
  • The Doctor's Opinion of Egyplosis
  • Lyone's Confession
  • Our Visit to the Infernal Palace
  • Arjeels
  • A Revelation
  • Lyone's Manifesto to King and People
  • The Crisis in Atvatabar
  • My Departure from the Palace of Tanje
  • We Are Attacked by the Enemy
  • The Battle Continued
  • Victory
  • The News of Atvatabar in the Outer World
  • The Voyages of the Mercury and the Aurora Borealis
  • The Arrest of Lyone
  • The Council of War in Kioram
  • The Report of Astronomer Starbottle
  • Preparation for War
  • I Visit Lyone in Calnogor
  • The Death of Lyone
  • The Battle of Calnogor
  • Victory
  • Reincarnation
  • Lexington and Lyone Hailed King and Queen of Atvatabar
  • Our Reception in Calnogor
  • The Combined Ceremony of Marriage and Coronatio
  • The Death of Bhoolmakar
  • The History Concluded
An accident during a polar expedition leads the crew of the Polar King to the discovery of an entire world within the earth. Within the interior realm lies a vast ocean with continents and civilisations unknown to the outside world. The societies within possess new technologies and magics unknown to the outside world and these are lovingly described in great detail by the author. The crew proceed to explore and in true Victorian fashion then conquer the new world. An extraordinary feat of imagination and inventiveness by this obscure author. - Summary by Nigel Fisher

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