Junior Classics Volume 10 Part 2: Poems Old and New

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By Listen TheBook Posted on May 31, 2023
In Category - Poetry
William Patten 1918
  • Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard by Thomas Gray
  • Crocus by Sarah J. Day
  • To a Waterfowl by William C. Bryant
  • The Brown Thrush by Lucy Larcom
  • The Blue Jay by Susan Hartley Swett
  • The Bluebird by Emily H. Miller
  • The Nightingale and Glow-worm by William Cowper
  • The Lark and the Rook by Anonymous
  • The Owl by Alfred Tennyson
  • Robert of Lincoln by William C. Bryant
  • To the Lady-Bird by Mrs. Southey
  • The Grasshopper and Cricket by Leigh Hunt
  • The Ant and the Cricket by Anonymous
  • The Housekeeper by Charles Lamb
  • Song by Alfred Tennyson
  • The Grasshopper and Crickt by John Keats
  • Keeping Store by Mary F. Butts
  • The Kitten, and Falling Leaves by William Wordsworth
  • What the Wind Brings by Edmund C. Stedman
  • The Wind by Robert L. Stevenson
  • Who Has Seen the Wind? By Christina G. Rossetti
  • Wind-Song by Nora Hopper
  • Windy Nights Robert L. Stevenson
  • The Wind and the Moon by George MacDonald
  • Sleigh Song by G. W. Pettee
  • Come, Little Leaves by George Cooper
  • Seven Times One by Jean Ingelow
  • A Pitcher of Mignonette by H.C. Bunner
  • Signs of Rain by Dr. Edward Jenner
  • A Boy’s Song by James Hogg
  • Farm-Yard Song by J.T. Trowbridge
  • The Milkmaid by Jeffreys Taylor
  • Hiawatha’s Childhood by Henry W. Longfellow
  • Seven Times Two by Jean Ingelow
  • The Barefood Boy by John G. Whittier
  • Thanksgiving Day by Lydia Maria Child
  • The Romance of the Swan’s Nest by E.B. Browning
  • The Voice of Spring by Mary Howitt
  • Green Things Growing by Dinah Maria Mulock
  • A Boy’s Prayer by H.C. Beeching
  • Daffodils by William Wordsworth
  • Daffodil by Katherine T. Hinkson
  • July by Susan Hartley Swett
  • To the Fringed Gentian by William C. Bryant
  • Summer Days by Anonymous
  • Woodman, Spare That Tree! By George Pope Morris
  • Daisy’s Song by John Keats
  • The Frost by Hannah Flagg Gould
  • Almond Blossom by Edwin Arnold
  • A Song of Clover by Saxe Holm
  • A Storm in the distance by Paul H. Hayne
  • Seven times Four by Jean Ingelow
  • To a Skylark by Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • Swimming by Lord Byron
  • The Brook by Alfred Tennyson
  • The Bugle Song by Alfred Tennyson
  • The Brave Old Oak by H.F. Chorley
  • Daybreak by Henry W. Longfellow
  • The Meadows in Spring by Edward Fitzgerald
  • Hiawatha’s Sailing by Henry W. Longfellow
  • Procession of the Flowers by Sydney Dobell
  • The Tiger by William Blake
  • A Sea Song by Allan Cunningham
  • Song by Robert Browning
  • They Come: The Merry Summer Months by William Motherwell
  • Little Dandelion by Helen B. Bostwick
  • The Day is Done by Henry W. Longfellow
  • Sailor’s Song by Thomas L. Beddoes
  • The Chambered Nautilus by Oliver W. Holmes
  • Home, Sweet Home by John Howard Payne
  • Ye Mariners of England by Thomas Campbell
  • Boyhood by Washington Allston
  • Daisies by John Dryden
  • March by Nora Hopper
  • Succession of the Four Sweet Months by Robert Herrick
  • March by William Wordsworth
  • A Wayfaring Song by Henry Van Dyke
  • Hark, Hark! The Lark! by William Shakespeare
  • The Arrow and the Song by Henry W. Longfellow
  • The Sea by Barry Cronwall
  • Small Beginnings by Charles Mackay
  • Voyagers by Emily Dickinson
  • Opportunity by Edward Rowland Sill
  • Labor Song by Denis MacCarthy
  • The Village Blacksmith by Henry W. Longfellow
  • Life by James Russell Lowell
  • The Happiest Heart by John Vance Cheney
  • The Noble Nature by Ben Jonson
  • Insignificant Existence by Isaac Watts
  • For A’ That by Robert Burns
  • Procrastination by Robert Southwell
  • Cardinal Wolsey’s Speech to Cromwell by William Shakespeare
  • Wolsey’s Fall by William Shakespeare
  • Seven Ages of Man by William Shakespeare
  • Jog On by William Shakespeare
  • Polonius’s Advice by William Shakespeare
  • Reputation by William Shakespeare
  • Over hill, Over Dale by William Shakespeare
  • I Know a Bank by William Shakespeare
  • Ingratitude by William Shakespeare
  • Where the Bee Sucks by William Shakespeare
  • Mercy by William Shakespeare
  • Perfection by William Shakespeare
  • The Peddler’s Pack by William Shakespeare
  • The Fairies’ Lullaby by William Shakespeare
  • Come Unto These Yellow Sands by William Shakespeare
  • Opportunity by William Shakespeare
  • Hotspur’s Description of a Fop by William Shakespeare
  • Buttercup by Jean Ingelow
  • Knowledge by William Cowper
  • To the Lord General Cromwell by John Milton
  • The Rainbow by William Wordsworth
  • On His Blindness by John Milton
  • A Farewell by Charles Kingsley
  • To Milton by William Wordsworth
  • Perseverance by Edward Fitzgerald
  • Retribution by Henry W. Longfellow
  • The Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln
  • America by S. F. Smith
  • The Star-Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key
  • Dixie by Daniel D. Emmett
  • Rule Britannia by James Thomson
  • The Watch on the Rhine by Max Schneckenburger
  • The Marseillaise Hymn by Rouget de Lisle
  • Swedish National Air
  • National Hymn of Norway
  • Italian National Hymn
  • Danish National Hymn
  • Spanish National Hymn
  • Austrian National Song
  • The Hand of Lincoln by Edmund C. Stedman
  • Battle-Hymn of the Republic by Julia Ward Howe
  • The Flag Goes By by Henry H. Bennett
  • Fatherland by Sir Walter Scott
  • Warren’s Address to the American Soldiers by John Pierpont
  • The Old Flag by H.C. Bunner
  • Barbara Frietchie by John G. Whittier
  • Sheridan’s Ride by Thomas B. Read
  • The Republic by Henry W. Longfellow
  • The Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers in New England by Felicia D. Hemans
  • The Eve of Waterloo by Lord Byron
  • Concord Hymn by R.W. Emerson
  • O Captain! My Captain! By Walt Whitman
  • A Nation’s Strength by R.W. Emerson
  • The Burial of Sir John Moore by Charles Wolfe
  • O Canada! By Emma Powell McCulloch
  • Cavalry Song by Edmund C. Stedman
  • On the Life-Mask of Abraham Lincoln by R.W. Gilder
  • The Charge of the Light Brigade by Alfred Tennyson
  • Paul Revere’s Ride by Henry W. Longfellow
  • Naseby by Thomas B. Macaulay
  • How They Brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix by Robert Browning
  • The Bowmans’ Song by Arthur Conan Doyle
  • Old Ironsides by Oliver W. Holmes
  • The Drum by Bret Harte
  • Casabianca by Felicia D. Hemans
  • Divine Ode by Joseph Addison
  • The Character of a Happy Life by Sir Henry Wotton
  • The Rhodora, On Being Asked, Whence is the Flower by Ralph W. Emerson
  • Laus Deo! By John G. Whittier
  • The Colored Band by Paul L. Dunbar
  • The Wind in a Frolic by William Howitt
  • Ivry by Thomas B. Macaulay
  • The Heart of the Bruce by William E. Aytoun
  • Harve’ Riel by Robert Browning
  • The Destruction of Sennacherib by Lord Byron
  • Incident of the French Camp by Robert Browning
  • Horatius at the Bridge by Thomas B. Macaulay
  • After Benheim by Robert Southey
  • Lady Clare by Alfred Tennyson
  • The Greenwood Shrift by Robert and Caroline Southey
  • The Arab to His Favorite Steed by Caroline E. Norton
  • The Old Oaken bucket by Samuel Woodworth
  • Lockinvar by Sir Walter Scott
  • The Skeleton in Armor by Henry W. Longfellow
  • The Deserted Village by Oliver Goldsmith
  • The Wreck of the Hesperus by Henry W. Longfellow
  • The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel T. Coleridge
  • The Bells by Edgar Allan Poe
The order of the poems have been arranged according to age from first through eight grade. Grades I – IV are contained in part 1. This collection of poems in part 2 begins with Grade V and Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard by Thomas Gray. Grade VI begins with The Barefoot Boy by John G. Whittier. Grade VII begins with Ye Mariners of England by Thomas Campbell. Grade VIII begins with The Rhodora, On Being Asked, "Whence is the Flower" by Ralph W. Emerson. - Summary by Linette G

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