Revelation of Law in Scripture

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Patrick Fairbain 1869
  • Preface
  • Introductory — Prevailing Views in respect to the Ascendency of Law (1) In the Natural; (2) In the Moral and Religious Sphere; and the Relation in which they stand to the Revelations of Scripture on the subject
  • The Relation of Man at Creation to Moral Law — How far or in what respects the Law in its Principles was made known to him — The grand Test of his Rectitude, and his Failure under it
  • The Revelation of Law, strictly so called, viewed in respect to the Time and Occasion of its Promulgation
  • The Law in its Form and Substance —Its more Essential Characteristics — and the Relation of one Part of its Contents to another (Part 1)
  • The Law in its Form and Substance —Its more Essential Characteristics — and the Relation of one Part of its Contents to another (Part 2)
  • The Law in its Form and Substance —Its more Essential Characteristics — and the Relation of one Part of its Contents to another (Part 3)
  • The Position and Calling of Israel as placed under the Covenant of Law, what precisely involved in it — False Views on the subject Exposed — The Moral Results of the Economy, according as the Law was legitimately used or the reverse
  • The Economical Aspect of the Law — The Defects adhering to it as such — The Relation of the Psalms and Prophets to it — Mistaken Views of this Relation — The great Problem with Which the Old Testament closed, and the Views of different Parties respecting its Solution
  • The Relation of the Law to the Mission and Work of Christ — The Symbolical and Ritual finding in Him its termination, and the Moral its formal Appropriation and perfect Fulfilment
  • The Relation of the Law to the Constitution, the Privileges, and the Calling of the Christian Church
  • The Re-introduction of Law into the Church of the New Testament, in the sense in which Law was abolished by Christ and His Apostles
  • The Double Form of the Decalogue, and the Questions to which it has given rise
  • The Historical Element in God's Revelations of Truth and Duty, considered with an especial respect to their Claim on Men's Responsibilities and Obligation
  • Whether a Spirit of Revenge is countenanced in the Writings of the Old Testament
  • Exposition of the More Important Passages on the Law in St. Paul’s Epistles
  • 2 Corinthians 3:2-18
  • Galatians 2:14-21
  • Galatians 3:19-26
  • Galatians 4:1-7
  • Galatians 5:13-15
  • Romans 2:13-15
  • Romans 3:19-20
  • Romans 3:31
  • Romans 5:12-21
  • Romans 6:14-18
  • Romans 7
  • Romans 10:4-9
  • Romans 14:1-7
  • Ephesians 2:11-17
  • Colossians 2:11-17
  • 1 Timothy 1:8-11
The subject of 'The Revelation of Law in Scripture' is profoundly important at all times, but especially in the present day, when it is brought into hard conflict with modern speculations, and with the tendencies of religious thought current in Britain and elsewhere, subversive in various ways of the foundations of moral and religious obligation. This is eminently a book for the times. In no work of the same compass will the reader find a more satisfactory and a fresher discussion of the great questions relating to the moral law, or a more complete exposure of the false theories respecting it that now prevail. But while combating these theories, the lectures are far from wearing a controversial aspect, the author being anxious rather to unfold and establish what is true than to enter into a minute and laboured refutation of the false. - Summary by British and Foreign Evangelical Review 1869

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