World’s Story Volume I: China, Japan and the Islands of the Pacific

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Eva March Tappan 1914
  • Palace of the Dalai Lama at Lhasa, Thibet, Photograph, Frontispice
  • Publisher's note
  • Introduction, by Eva March Tappan
  • China Part I: In the earliest days: historical note
  • Shun of Yu who controlled the floods, by Confucius
  • China Part II: Confucius and his age: historical note
  • The story of Confucius, by Rev. A. W. Loomis
  • A visit to a temple of Confucius, by Rev. A. W. Loomis
  • Some of the proverbs of Confucius
  • Manners and customs of Confucius's day, by Rev. William Speer
  • Mencius, by S. Wells Williams
  • A story of Mencius, by Unknown
  • Proverbs of Mencius
  • China Part III: Times of change and confusion: historical note
  • The strenuous reign of Hoang-Ti, by Rev. Charles Gützlaff
  • The rule of the Hans, by Rev. William Speer
  • Rakan feeding the hungry spirit, Chinese painting, p. 52
  • The three religions, by W. A. P. Martin
  • Dream and reality, a Buddhist story, by Chuang Tzu
  • Mulan, the maiden chief, by Unknown
  • The prodigal emperor Wang-Ti, by Rounsevelle Wildman
  • China Part IV: The Augustan age: historical note
  • Tai-Tsung the Good, by Rev. William Speer
  • The rule of the empress Wu, by S. Wells Williams
  • The founding of Han-Lin College, by Rev. William Speer
  • The binding of feet, by Rev. William Speer
  • Printing, by Rev. William Speer
  • China Part V: The coming of the Tartars: historical note
  • The Tartars and their customs, by Marco Polo
  • The Chinese theater, by Archibald Little
  • The sorrows of Han, by Unknown
  • Jenghiz Khan, the 'perfect warrior', by D. Petis de la Croix
  • Jenghiz Khan captures Peking, by D. Petis de la Croix
  • The dirge of Jenghiz Khan, by Unknown
  • China Part VI: Stories of the great Khan: historical note
  • The palace of the great Khan in Cambaluc (Peking), by Marco Polo
  • How the great Khan ate his dinner, by Marco Polo
  • How Kublai Khan went a-hunting, by Marco Polo
  • How the Khan sent his messages, by Marco Polo
  • The King's Messenger, by Chuang Tzu
  • The Polos teach the Khan how to capture a city, by Marco Polo
  • A Chinese city at the end of the thirteenth century, by Marco Polo
  • The Peking Observatory, photograph, p. 128
  • China Part VII: Chinese fables and tales: historical note
  • The boy philosopher, by Unknown
  • The elixir of life, by Unknown
  • The tiger and the monkey, by Unknown
  • Was he the only cheat?, by Unknown
  • The appeal of Lady Chang
  • The soul of the great bell, by Lafcadio Hearn
  • China Part VIII: The coming of the missionaries: historical note
  • An enterprising missionary, by John of Corvino
  • The woman with the cross, by Mendez Pinto
  • The worship of ancestors, by W. A. P. Martin
  • Teaching science to the emperor, by Père du Halde
  • The emperor and the musician, by Père du Halde
  • The man who was afraid of becoming a horse, by Père du Halde
  • How the bonzes got the ducks, by Père Le Comte
  • A visit to a Lama, by Père Gerbillon
  • China Part IX: The first two centuries of Manchu rule: historical note
  • The coming of the Kalmucks, by Thomas de Quincey
  • Chinese punishments, by Père du Halde
  • The temple of Heaven, Peking, photograph, p. 186
  • Why the Chinaman wears a queue, by William Elliot Griffis
  • How the Chinese received the first English ambassador, by Charles Gützlaff
  • Opium-eaters, by William Speer
  • A 'Boston tea-party' in China, by William Speer
  • What the Chinese thought about the English, by Unknown
  • How the 'Arrow War' began, by W. A. P. Martin
  • Receiving the yellow jacket, by A. Egmont Hake
  • China Part X: Language, schools, and examinations: historical note
  • The Mandarin language, by Père du Halde
  • How Chinese children learn to read, by Père du Halde
  • When I went to school in China, by Yan Phou Lee
  • A child's first lesson, by Unknown
  • Civil-service examinations in China, by W. A. P. Martin
  • Questions from a civil-service examination
  • China Part XI: In recent years: historical note
  • War between China and Japan, by W. A. P. Martin
  • The adventures of Yao Chen-Yuan
  • When the allies entered Pekin, by Pierre Loti
  • A diplomatic correspondence between the United States and China
  • The republic of China
  • Korea: historical note
  • A grain shop in Korea, photograph, p. 264
  • When Hideyoshi invaded Korea, by Homer B. Hulbert
  • Japan Part I: In ancient times: historical note
  • Jimmu Tenno, the first mikado of Japan, by William Elliot Griffis
  • The Japanese story-teller, by Sir Edwin Arnold
  • The fisher-boy Urashima, by Unknown
  • Social life in Kioto, by William Elliot Griffis
  • The story of Yoshitsune, by Yei Theodora Ozaki
  • Three Japanese poems, translated by Frederick Victor Dickins
  • The great Buddha of Kamakura, photograph, p. 318
  • Japan Part II: The rule of the Shoguns: historical note
  • The great Khan Kublai invades Japan, by Marco Polo
  • The coming of Will Adams to Japan, by Will Adams
  • Long spears or short spears, by Walter Dening
  • How a man became a god, by Lafcadio Hearn
  • Ribs and skin, by Unknown
  • How it would feel to be a Shinto god, by Lafcadio Hearn
  • Interior of a Japanese temple, photograph p. 368
  • Tadasuke, the Japanese Solomon, by Walter Dening
  • The sword of Japan, by Sir Edwin Arnold
  • Japan Part III: Some curious customs: historical note
  • A Japanese dinner party, by Sir Edwin Arnold
  • How Japanese ladies go shopping, by Alice M. Bacon
  • An incense party, by Sir Edwin Arnold
  • A Japanese house, by Basil Hall Chamberlain
  • Thinking out a garden, by Mortimer Menpes
  • A stone gateway, photograph p. 418
  • An artist in flowers, by Mortimer Menpes
  • How a Japanese paints, by Mortimer Menpes
  • How to talk politely in Japan, by Percival Lowell
  • Japan Part IV: The awakening of Japan: historical note
  • When Commodore Perry landed in Japan, by Francis L. Hawks
  • The president's letter, by Townsend Harris
  • The schools of old Japan, by Francis Ottiwell Adams
  • How to learn Japanese, by Rev. M. L. Gordon
  • The attack upon Port Arthur, by Lieutenant Tadayoshi Sakurai
  • Japan Part V: Little stories of Japan: historical note
  • Japanese politeness, by Mortimer Menpes
  • How the shopkeeper lost his queue, by Lafcadio Hearn
  • Fuji-Yama, photograph, p. 462
  • The cherry tree of the sixteenth day, by Lafcadio Hearn
  • Japanese children and their games, by Sir Edwin Arnold
  • Islands of the Pacific: historical note
  • The first Australian colonists, by W. H. Lang
  • Gold, gold, gold!, by W. H. Lang
  • The missionary and the cannibals, by Reginald Horsley
  • Hot-water basins, New Zealand, photograph, p. 502
  • The story of Pitcairn Island, by Anonymous
  • The last voyage of Captain Cook, by Charles C. B. Seymour
  • The vengeance of the goddess Pele, by Kalakaua
  • Father Damien, the missionary to the lepers, by John C. Lambert
  • A visit to Aguinaldo, by Edwin Wildman
  • Preparing our Moros for government, by R. L. Bullard
  • Baro Buddor, an ancient temple of Java, photograph, p. 562
  • Detail of temple at Bramabanan, photograph p. 562
  • A visit to a head-hunter of Borneo, by William Henry Furness, third
This is the first volume of the 15-volume series of The World’s Story: a history of the World in story, song and art, edited by Eva March Tappan. Each book is a compilation of selections from prose literature, poetry and pictures and offers a comprehensive presentation of the world's history, art and culture, from the early times till the beginning of the 20th century.
Topics in Part I include China, Korea, Japan and the Islands of the Pacific. - Summary by Sonia

Cast list for The Sorrows of Han:
Emperor: Nemo
Lady/Princess: Eva Davis
Attendant: ToddHW
Envoy: SaraHale
President of the Council: Tomas Peter
Narrator: Sonia

Cast list for Ribs and Skin:
Rector: Nemo
Curate: Eva Davis
First Parishioner: Tomas Peter
Second Parishioner: ToddHW
Third Parishioner: SaraHale
Narrator: Sonia

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