Troilus and Cressida

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By Listen TheBook Posted on May 30, 2023
In Category - Drama
William Shakespeare 1623
  • Act 1
  • Act 2
  • Act 3
  • Act 4
  • Act 5
Troilus and Cressida is Shakespeare's "problem" play about the Trojan War. As the opening Chorus tells us, the play "begins in the middle" of the epic conflict, and counterpoints the drama of battle with the romance of the title characters. Just as Agamemnon and his Greek forces (particularly the smooth-tongued Ulysses) attempt to woo the invincible Achilles to resume fighting on their side, the Trojan go-between Pandarus tries to bring together Troilus, a son of King Priam, with his niece, the lovely Cressida. (Summary by Elizabeth Klett)

Achilles: John Fricker
Aeneas: David Richardson
Agamemnon: Lars Rolander
Ajax: Arielle Lipshaw
Alexander: David Lawrence
Andromache: Amy Gramour
Boy: Arielle Lipshaw
Calchas: Algy Pug
Cassandra: Nadine Eckert-Boulet
Chorus: Algy Pug
Cressida: Elizabeth Klett
Deiphobus: Ted Garvin
Diomedes: Peter Bishop
Hector: David Goldfarb
Helen: Elizabeth Barr
Helenus: Elizabeth Klett
Menelaus: Tom Crawford
Nestor: Andy Minter
Pandarus: Ted Garvin
Paris: Matthew Reece
Patroclus: Timothy Ferguson
Priam: Ric F
Servant/Myrmidons: Chris Donnelly
Thersites: Algy Pug
Troilus: mb
Ulysses: Bruce Pirie
Narrator: Elizabeth Klett

Audio edited by: Elizabeth Klett

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