Tudor and Stuart Love Songs

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By Listen TheBook Posted on May 31, 2023
In Category - Poetry
John Potter Briscoe 0
  • Introduction
  • Sir Thomas Wyatt
  • Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey
  • Anon.
  • George Turberville
  • Edward Vere, Earl of Oxford
  • Barnaby Googe
  • George Gascoigne
  • Sir Edward Dyer
  • George Peele
  • Sir Walter Raleigh
  • Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke
  • John Lyly
  • Sir Philip Sidney
  • Thomas Lodge
  • Thomas Watson
  • Nicholas Breton
  • Thomas Campion
  • Robert Greene
  • Robert Southwell
  • Sir John Harrington
  • Henry Constable
  • Samuel Daniel
  • Christopher Marlowe
  • Joshua Sylvester
  • Michael Drayton
  • William Shakespeare
  • Anon.
  • Anon.
  • Sir Robert Aytoun
  • Thomas Middleton
  • Ben Jonson
  • Dr. John Donne
  • William Alexander, Earl of Stirling
  • William Drummond
  • Beaumont and Fletcher
  • Francis Beaumont
  • John Wootton
  • George Wither
  • Thomas Carew
  • Nathaniel Field
  • Robert Herrick
  • Bp. Henry King
  • John Dowland
  • Thomas Weelkes
  • Sir William Davenant
  • Edmund Waller
  • Thomas Randolph
  • Henry Vaughan
  • Anon.
  • Capt. Tobias Hume
  • William Habington
  • John Danyel
  • Anon.
  • Sir John Suckling
  • Thomas Ford
  • Abraham Cowley
  • Sir Edward Sherburne
  • Richard Lovelace
  • Alexander Brome
  • Thomas Stanley
  • Sir George Etherege
  • Charles Sackville, Earl of Dorset
  • Robert Gould
  • Sir Charles Sedley
  • John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester
  • Peter Anthony Motteux
  • Matthew Prior
  • Sir John Vanbrugh
  • George Granville
  • William Congreve
  • Ambrose Philips
  • John Oldmixon
  • Dr. Isaac Watts
  • John Hughes
  • George Farquhar
  • Thomas Parnell
The spirit of reform which was developed during the early part of the sixteenth century brought about a desire on the part of young men of means to travel on the continent of Europe. This was for the purpose of making themselves acquainted with the politics, social life, literature, art, science, and commerce of the various nations of the same, especially of France, Spain, and Italy. These young Englishmen on their return introduced into the society in which they mixed not only the politenesses of these countries, but the wit of Italy, and the character of the poetry which was then in vogue in Southern Europe. Among these travellers during the reign of Henry the Eighth were Sir Thomas Wyatt and the Earl of Surrey. These courtiers possessed the poetical faculty, and therefore paid special attention to literary form. As a result they introduced the Sonnet of the Petrarchan type into England. The amorous verse of the inhabitants of these sunny climes took hold of the young Englishmen. Many men of rank and education, who did not regard themselves as of the world of letters, penned pleasant verse, much of it being of an amatory character based upon that of the Italians. During the reign of "Good Queen Bess" England was full of song. Of the writers of love verses William Watson occupied a very high, probably the highest, position during the time of Elizabeth. A glance at the Table of Contents of this volume will show that some of the best poets who were born between the years 1503 and 1679 have handed down to us poetical contributions of this character. - Summary by J.P. Briscoe

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