World’s Story Volume XI: Canada, South America, Central America, Mexico and the West Indies

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Eva March Tappan 1914
  • The landing of Columbus, by Petro Gabrini, painting, frontispiece
  • Canada Part I: Discovery and exploration: Historical note
  • What the Italians thought of John Cabot (1498), from two contemporary letters
  • Jacques Cartier at Quebec (1535), by John Fiske
  • Sir Humphrey Gilbert (1583), by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • The last days of Henry Hudson (1611), by Agnes C. Laut
  • The last voyage of Henry Hudson, by Hon. John Collier, painting p. 24
  • Why the Iroquois hated the French (1609), by Eva March Tappan
  • Champlain and the impostor Vignan (1613), by Francis Parkman
  • Canada Part II: Heroes and heroines of early Canada: Historical note
  • The story of Jean Brébeuf (1633-1649), by Rev. J. O. Miller
  • The women who founded the Ursuline convent at Quebec (1639), by W. S. Herrington
  • The story of Ville Marie de Montreal (1642), by Agnes Maule Machar
  • Madame de la Tour and her defense of Fort St. John (1645), by Mary Hartwell Catherwood
  • The child who defended Castle Dangerous (1692), by Thomas G. Marquis
  • Canada Part III: Life in the French settlements: Historical note
  • In the days of Frontenac (1672-1698), by Rev. J. O. Miller
  • How people lived in New France (Seventeenth century), by Charles G. D. Roberts
  • The Coureur de Bois, by Samuel Mathewson Baylis
  • Canada Part IV: Canada becomes a British Province: Historical note
  • The exile of the Acadians (1755), by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • The second capture of Louisburg (1758), by Agnes C. Laut
  • The fall of Quebec (1759), by George Bancroft
  • The fall of Quebec, from an old print, painting p. 122
  • The troubles of the Loyalists (about 1783), by Eva March Tappan
  • Loyalist Shelburne (1783), by Daniel Owen
  • How a settler built his log barn (early part of the nineteenth century), by Samuel Thompson
  • The second concession of Deer, by William Wye Smith
  • Canada Part V: Scenes from Canadian history: Historical note
  • Monument to Joseph Brant, photograph p. 152
  • When Tecumseh met General Brock (1812), by Walter R. Nursey
  • Laura Secord, a heroine of the war of 1812 (1813), by Rev. J. O. Miller
  • The battle of Lundy's Lane (1814), by Agnes C. Laut
  • The cutting-out of the Caroline (1837), by John Charles Dent
  • Taken prisoner by the Fenians (1866), by David Junor
  • The Canadians on the Nile (1884-1885), by William Wye Smith
  • Canada Part VI: Stories of the trappers: Historical note
  • A Canadian boat-song, by Thomas Moore
  • How the Northwest Company lost Fort Gabriel (about 1820), by Sir Gilbert Parker
  • Shopping at a Hudson's Bay Company's fort, by H. M. Robinson
  • The trade into the north, by Aubrey Fullerton
  • Canada Part VII: The Canadian Northwest: Historical note
  • How Alexander Mackenzie reached the Pacific Ocean (1793), by Rev. J. O. Miller
  • How Canada acquired the Northwest (1869), by Eva March Tappan
  • How the Canadian Pacific crossed the Selkirks (1881-1886), by Frederic A. Talbot
  • A glacier in the Selkirk Mountains, photograph p. 228
  • The Canadian Northwest mounted police (Twentieth century), by W. G. Fitz-Gerald
  • How the Canadian Northwest awoke (End of the nineteenth century), by A. G. Bradley
  • Canada Part VIII: The Empire of the North: Historical note
  • The cable hymn (1858), by John G. Whittier
  • The bore of the Bay of Fundy, by Eliza B. Chase
  • How Dr. Grenfell was saved (Twentieth century), by George Andrews, one of the rescuers
  • Given to hospitality (Twentieth century), by Dr. Wilfred Thomason Grenfell
  • Canada of the future (Twentieth century), by Agnes C. Laut
  • South America Part I: Stories of the Incas: Historical note
  • The stolen child of the Inca (before 1532), by Sir Clements R. Markham
  • Machu Picchu, a ruined city of the Incas, photograph p. 288
  • How Pizarro captured the Inca (1532), by William Hickling Prescott
  • The golden ransom (1532), by Charles Bradford Hudson
  • The execution of Atahuallpa (1533), by W. H. Davenport Adams
  • The hidden treasure of the Incas (after 1532), from the Spanish of Valverde
  • South America Part II: Peru, Chile, Bolivia, and Ecuador: Historical note
  • The highest railroad in the World (about 1865), by Frederic A. Talbot
  • How to conduct a Spanish-American revolution (about 1860), by F. Hassaurek
  • The unconquerable Araucanians (Twentieth century), by Nevin O. Winter
  • The Christ of the Andes, by Nevin O. Winter
  • South America Part III: Venezuela, Colombia, and the Guianas: Historical note
  • The adventures of Columbus off the coast of Trinidad (1498), by Washington Irving
  • What Sir Walter Raleigh thought of Guiana (1595), by Sir Walter Raleigh
  • The story of Bolívar (1817-1830), by Lindon Bates, Jr.
  • The statue of Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela, photograph p. 364
  • The sword of Bolívar, by Unknown
  • The Asphalt Lake of Trinidad (Twentieth century), by Lindon Bates, Jr.
  • Modern Columbia (Twentieth century), by Francis E. Clarke
  • South America Part IV: Brazil: Historical note
  • The discovery of Brazil (1500), by Robert Grant Watson
  • Why Brazil belonged to Portugal (1500), by Thomas Bonaventure Lawler
  • How King John VI came to Brazil (1808), by D. P. Kidder and J. C. Fletcher
  • Dom Pedro II, the exiled emperor (1889), by Marie Robinson Wright
  • An American colony in Brazil (1910), by Nevin O. Winter
  • South America Part V: Paraguay and Uruguay: Historical note
  • Life at a Paraguayan ''Reduction'', by Mrs. Marion G. Mulhall
  • The escape of the American minister from Paraguay (1868), by Charles A. Washburn
  • A visit to Artigas (about 1815), by W. H. Koebel
  • Uruguay and the Uruguayans (Twentieth century), by Francis E. Clark
  • South America Part VI: The Argentine Republic: Historical note
  • Argentine independence (1810-1910), by Hiram Bingham
  • The people of the Argentine Pampas (about 1870), by Dr. Domingo Faustino Sarmiento
  • A real Patagonian (about 1880), by Lady Florence Dixie
  • In Buenos Aires (Twentieth century), by Hiram Bingham
  • Central America: Historical note
  • A sacrifice to Tohil, by William T. Brigham
  • Copan, by Joaquin Miller
  • Balboa (1513), by Thomas Buchanan Read
  • Chief Nicaragua and the Spaniards (1522), by Frederick Palmer
  • William Walker, ''the last of the Filibusters'' (1853-1860), by Joaquin Miller
  • The cargadors of Guatemala (Twentieth century), by Nevin O. Winter
  • Happy little Costa Rica (Twentieth century), by Frederick Palmer
  • Mexico Part I: Stories of the Aztecs: Historical note
  • A hymn of the ancient Mexicans
  • Nezahualcoyotl, king of the Tuscucans, by William Hickling Prescott
  • Mexican hieroglyphics, photograph p. 482
  • How an Aztec boy became a knight, by Hubert Howe Bancroft
  • How the Aztec king passed his time (early part of the sixteenth century), by Hubert Howe Bancroft
  • Mexico Part II: The coming of the Spaniards: Historical note
  • Has the god Quetzalcoatl come to Mexico ? (1519), by William Hickling Prescott
  • The king without a throne, by Hubert Howe Bancroft
  • The fall of the city of Mexico (1521), by Jacob Abbott
  • Statue of Quauhtemoc, photograph p. 516
  • Mexico Part III: Modern Mexico: Historical note
  • The angels of Buena Vista (1847), by John G. Whittier
  • Maximilian at Queretaro (1872), by Margaret Junkin Preston
  • The last moments of Maximilian, by Jean Paul Laurens (France, 1838), painting p. 524
  • The rule of Porfirio Diaz (1877-1919), by Channing Arnold and Frederick J. Tabor Frost
  • The National Palace, city of Mexico, photograph p. 534
  • The West Indies: Historical note
  • The first landing of Columbus (1492), by Ferdinand Columbus, son of Christopher Columbus
  • Toussaint L'Ouverture (1801), by Wendell Phillips
  • ''The marble memory of Josephine'', empress of France, by Lafcadio Hearn
  • The Fer-de-Lance of Martinique, by Lafcadio Hearn
  • The eruption of Mont Pelée (1902), by Charles Augustus Stoddard
  • The Court of Justice of General Gomez (1895), by Grover Flint
  • Execution Wall, Havana, photograph p. 568
  • How freedom came to Porto Rico (1898), by William Dinwiddie
This is the eleventh volume of the 15-volume series of The World’s Story: a history of the World in story, song and art, edited by Eva March Tappan. Each book is a compilation of selections from prose literature, poetry and pictures and offers a comprehensive presentation of the world's history, art and culture, from the early times till the beginning of the 20th century. Part XI contains stories about Canadian history and about the discovery of Central and South America, from the early Inca and Aztec civilizations to the 20th century revolutions and upheavals. - Summary by Sonia
Cast list for The Court of Justice of General Gomez:
Major: Jim Locke / Gomez: Monika M.C. / Narrator: Sonia

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