World’s Story Volume XV: The World War

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Horatio W. Dresser 1918
  • The Cathedral at Rheims, photograph, frontispiece
  • The World War, Part I. The origin of the war. Historical note
  • The outbreak of hostilities, by Major F. E. Whitton
  • Why did Germany invade Belgium ?, by S. S. McClure
  • Belgium's part (1914), by Emile Verhaeren
  • The real causes of the war (1914), by Charles W. Eliot
  • Germany's military masters (1917), by Woodrow Wilson
  • The World War, Part II. The gathering of the armies. Historical note
  • The training of Kitchener's Mob (1914), by James Norman Hall
  • The first hundred thousand in training (1914), by Ian Hay
  • En route with Kitchener's Mob (1915), by James Norman Hall
  • The second German mobilization (1914), by Geoffrey Pyke
  • The World War, Part III. On the Western Front 1914-1915. Historical note
  • The retreat from Mons (1914), by a British Staff Officer
  • A gas attack, photograph p. 62
  • The battle of the Marne (1914), by Major F. E. Whitton
  • The fall of Antwerp (1914), by Horace Green
  • A prisoner in Ruhleben (1915), by Geoffrey Pyke
  • The battle of the Slag-Heaps (1915), by Ian Hay
  • Flame-throwers, photograph p. 100
  • The legion captures a trench (1915), by Edward Morlae
  • The World War, Part IV. On the Western and Italian Fronts 1916-1917. Historical note
  • The battle of Verdun (1916), by Raoul Blanchard
  • The biggest cannon on the Western Front, photograph p. 134
  • Caillette Wood, an episode of Verdun
  • The fight for Montauban, an incident of the battle of the Somme (1916), by Ian Hay
  • A modern battlefield, photograph p. 148
  • The battle of Messines Ridge (1917)
  • Charge of the Canadians at Vimy Ridge, photograph p. 162
  • The battle of Cambrai (1917), by Philip Gibbs
  • The Garibaldi take the Col di Lana, told in Colonel ''Peppino'' Garibaldi's own words (1916), by Lewis R. Freeman
  • The World War, Part V. The Eastern Front. Historical note
  • Intrenched with the Austrians in Galicia (1914), by Fritz Kreisler
  • The Russian victory at Przemysl (1915), by Bernard Pares
  • The defeat at Gallipoli (1915), by Sir Ian Hamilton
  • Landing under fire at the Dardanelles, photograph p. 204
  • A British soldier at Suvla Bay (1915), by John Hargrave
  • Bulgaria enters the war (1915), by J. B. W. Gardiner
  • From Salonica (1916), by Albert Kinross
  • The World War, Part VI. The War in Asia and Africa. Historical note
  • The attack on Tsing-Tau (1914), by Jefferson Jones
  • Campaigning under Botha (1915), by Cyril Campbell
  • General Smuts's campaign in German East Africa (1914-1915), by Cyril Campbell
  • With Maude at the taking of Bagdad (1917), by Arthur T. Clark
  • The British in the Promised Land (1917), by W. T. Massey
  • ''Jerusalem delivered'', photograph p. 266
  • The World War, Part VII. Life in the trenches. Historical note
  • The arrival of Kitchener's Mob (1915), by James Norman Hall
  • The new warfare (1915), by Ian Hay
  • A description of trench life, by René Nicolas
  • The impregnable trenches (1916), by Henry Sheahan
  • The World War, Part VIII. The fighting machines. Historical note
  • The machines (1916), by William J. Robinson
  • German prisoners in Ypres, photograph p. 312
  • The machine-gun destroyers (1916), by Louis-Octave Philippe
  • The tanks (1917), by Colonel E. D. Swinton
  • British tanks in action, photograph p. 332
  • The World War, Part IX. The work of the Navies. Historical note
  • The escape of a merchantsman (1914), by Edward Noble
  • The Heligoland action (1914), by W. Macneille Dixon
  • The battle of Jutland (1916), by W. Macneille Dixon
  • The Emden (1914), by Lewis R. Freeman
  • The World War, Part X. The submarines. Historical note
  • The sinking of the Lusitania (1915), by Charles E. Lauriat
  • Life in a German submarine (1915), by Freiherrn von Forstner
  • The work of the British submarines (1914-1917), by W. Macneille Dixon
  • The World War, Part XI. Airplanes and zeppelins. Historical note
  • Flying in the war-zone, by Theta
  • A French fighting plane, photograph p. 402
  • A zeppelin raid in London (1915), by Lewis R. Freeman
  • A great air battle, by a British war correspondent
  • The World War, Part XII. The hospital and ambulance services. Historical note
  • Behind the Yser (1916), by Maud Mortimer
  • The American ambulance field service (1916), by A. P. A.
  • American ambulance-drivers, photograph p. 440
  • With ambulance No. 10 (1915), by Leslie Buswell
  • With an ambulance at Verdun (1916), by William Yorke Stevenson
  • Wonders of war surgery (1917)
  • The World War, Part XIII. The Red Cross and the Y.M.C.A. Historical note
  • The American Red Cross
  • Red Cross rest barracks (1917), by Elizabeth Frazer
  • The Y.M.C.A. at the Front, by Francis B. Sayre, with an introduction by John R. Mott, General Secretary of the National War Work Council of the Y.M.C.A.
  • A Y.M.C.A. Hut ''somewhere in France'', photograph p. 476
  • The World War, Part XIV. Political and financial problems. Historical note
  • Russia in Revolution (1917), by Paul Wharton
  • Street scene in Petrograd during the Revolution, photograph p. 488
  • The cost of the war
  • The human cost
  • The World War, Part XV. The entrance of the United States. Historical note
  • The war message (1917), by Woodrow Wilson
  • With the Americans at the Front (1917), by George Pattullo
  • The President defines America's war aims (1918), by Woodrow Wilson
This is the last volume of the 15-volume series The World’s Story, originally started by Eva March Tappan. This book, edited by Horatio W. Dresser (1866-1954) deals exclusively with the time of the First World War, the events leading up to it, the battles and war engines, the political and diplomatic background endeavours and the cost - human and monetary - of this War. - Summary by Sonia

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