Famous Poems: A New Anthology Of Lyrics And Ballads

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By Listen TheBook Posted on Jun 1, 2023
In Category - Anthologies
Various 1909
  • Sir Patrick Spence, by Anonymous
  • The Lyke-Wake Dirge, by Anonymous
  • Cradle Song, by Anonymous
  • Fragment, by Anonymous
  • Song, by Anonymous
  • Epithalamion, by Edmund Spenser
  • To Sleep, by Sir Philip Sidney
  • Sonnet, by Michael Drayton
  • Where The Bee Sucks, by William Shakespeare
  • Full Fathom Five, by William Shakespeare
  • Blow, Blow Thou Winter Wind, by William Shakespeare
  • When Daisies Pied And Violets Blue, by William Shakespeare
  • When Icicles Hang By The Wall, by William Shakespeare
  • O Mistress Mine, by William Shakespeare
  • It Was A Lover And His Lass, by William Shakespeare
  • Take, O Take Those Lips Away, by William Shakespeare
  • Hark ! Hark ! The Lark, by William Shakespeare
  • Fear No More The Heat O' The Sun, by William Shakespeare
  • Shall I Compare Thee To A Summer's Day?, by William Shakespeare
  • When In Disgrace With Fortune And Men's Eyes, by William Shakespeare
  • When To The Sessions Of Sweet Silent Thought, by William Shakespeare
  • That Time Of Year Thou Mayst In Me Behold, by William Shakespeare
  • When In The Chronicle Of Wasted Time, by William Shakespeare
  • Let Me Not To The Marriage Of True Minds, by William Shakespeare
  • Th' Expense Of Spirit In A Waste Of Shame, by William Shakespeare
  • Follow Your Saint, Follow With Accents Sweet, by Thomas Campion
  • Kind Are Her Answers, by Thomas Campion
  • Now Winter Nights Enlarge, by Thomas Campion
  • Elizabeth Of Bohemia, by Sir Henry Wotton
  • Hymn To Diana, by Ben Jonson
  • To Celia, by Ben Jonson
  • The Ecstacy, by John Donne
  • The Dream, by John Donne
  • Pack Clouds Away, And Welcome Day, by Thomas Heywood
  • To Daffodils, by Robert Herrick
  • Corinna Going A-Maying, by Robert Herrick
  • Death's Final Conquest, by James Shirley
  • On A Girdle, by Edmund Waller
  • Ode On The Morning Of Christ's Nativity, by John Milton
  • The Hymn, by John Milton
  • At A Solemn Music, by John Milton
  • L'allegro, by John Milton
  • Il Penseroso, by John Milton
  • Lycidas, by John Milton
  • On His Deceased Wife, by John Milton
  • On His Blindness, by John Milton
  • On The Late Massacre In Piedmont, by John Milton
  • To Lucasta, Going To The Wars, by Richard Lovelace
  • To Althea, From Prison, by Richard Lovelace
  • The Wish, by Abraham Cowley
  • The Garden, by Andrew Marvell
  • An Ode, by Matthew Prior
  • The Progress Of Poesy, by Thomas Gray
  • Hymn To Adversity, by Thomas Gray
  • Elegy Written In A Country Churchyard, by Thomas Gray
  • To Evening, by William Collins
  • Introduction To "Songs Of Innocence", by William Blake
  • The Tiger, by William Blake
  • Of A' The Airts The Wind Can Blaw, by Robert Burns
  • The Banks O' Doon, by Robert Burns
  • Ae Fond Kiss, by Robert Burns
  • A Red, Red Rose, by Robert Burns
  • Ode To Duty, by William Wordsworth
  • Ode On Intimations Of Immortality, by William Wordsworth
  • The Solitary Reaper, by William Wordsworth
  • The Daffodils, by William Wordsworth
  • My Heart Leaps Up, by William Wordsworth
  • To Milton, by William Wordsworth
  • On Westminster Bridge, by William Wordsworth
  • By The Sea, by William Wordsworth
  • The World Is Too Much With Us, by William Wordsworth
  • The Rover, by Sir Walter Scott
  • Rebecca's Hymn, by Sir Walter Scott
  • Sound, Sound The Clarion, by Sir Walter Scott
  • The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • Kubla Khan, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • Love, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • Hester, by Charles Lamb
  • Mother, I Cannot Mind My Wheel, by Walter Savage Landor
  • Dirce, by Walter Savage Landor
  • Finis, by Walter Savage Landor
  • Ye Mariners Of England, by Thomas Campbell
  • The War Song Of Dinas Vawr, by Thomas Love Peacock
  • She Walks In Beauty, by George Gordon, Lord Byron
  • To A Skylark, by Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • Ode To The West Wind, by Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • To Night, by Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • The Poet's Dream, by Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • The Invitation, by Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • Hymn To The Spirit Of Nature, by Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • Sonnet, by John Keats
  • On First Looking Into Chapman's Homer, by John Keats
  • La Belle Dame Sans Merci, by John Keats
  • Ode To Autumn, by John Keats
  • Ode To A Nightingale, by John Keats
  • Ode On A Grecian Urn, by John Keats
  • The Bridge Of Sighs, by Thomas Hood
  • Dream Pedlary, by Thomas Lovell Beddoes
  • A Musical Instrument, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • Grief, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • To Helen, by Edgar Allan Poe
  • The Lady Of Shalott, by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
  • The Lotos Eaters, by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
  • St Agnes' Eve, by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
  • Come Down, O Maid, by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
  • The Year's At The Spring, by Robert Browning
  • You'll Love Me Yet, by Robert Browning
  • The Lost Mistress, by Robert Browning
  • The Last Ride Together, by Robert Browning
  • Home-Thoughts From Abroad, by Robert Browning
  • The Sands Of Dee, by Charles Kingsley
  • Say Not The Struggle Nought Availeth, by Arthur Hugh Clough
  • The Forsaken Merman, by Matthew Arnold
  • Requiescat, by Matthew Arnold
  • The Scholar Gipsy, by Matthew Arnold
  • Heraclitus, by William Cory
A collection of famous poems by various authors who wrote during the period 1550 to 1892, including works by Shakespeare, Milton, Wordsworth, Browning and more. - Summary by Krista Zaleski

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