Emerald Story Book

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Various 1915
  • April by Robert Browning
  • The Spring-Maiden and the Frost Giants (Norse Legend) by Eleanor L. Skinner
  • How the Bluebird Was Chosen Herald by Jay T. Stocking
  • The Springtime by Eugene Field
  • The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde
  • The Promised Plant by Andrea Hofer Proudfoot
  • Brier Rose by Kate Douglas Wiggin and Nora Archibald Smith
  • Picciola (Adapted) by St. Saintine
  • St. Francis, the Little Bedesman of Christ by William Canton
  • Prosperpina and King Pluto (Greek Myth) by Eleanor L. Skinner
  • The Wonder--A Parable (From ''Parables'') by Friedrich Adolph Krummacher
  • Green Things Growing (Poem) by Dinah Mulock Craik
  • The Story of a Little Grain of Wheat by May Byron
  • The Little Acorn by Lucy Wheelock
  • The Story of Two Little Seeds by George MacDonald
  • How the Flowers Came (Selected) by Jay T. Stocking
  • The Legend of the Trailing Arbutus (Indian Legend) by Eleanor L. Skinner
  • The Fairy Flower (adapted from ''Norwood'') by Henry Ward Beecher
  • The Snowdrop by Hans Christian Andersen
  • What the Dandelion Told by Clara Maetzel
  • Verse by James Russell Lowell
  • A Great Family by Agnes McClelland Daulton
  • The Birth of the Violet (Legend) by Ada M. Skinner
  • A Lyric of Joy (Poem) by Bliss Carman
  • Robin's Carol (From ''Angler's Reveille'') by Henry van Dyke
  • How the Birds Came (Indian Legend) by Ada M. Skinner
  • How the Birds Learned to Build Nests by James Baldwin
  • Out of the Nest by Maud Lindsay
  • The Story of Blue-Wings by Mary Stewart
  • An Eastern Legend (Poem) by Grace Duffield Goodwin
  • The House Wren by Neltji Blanchan
  • The Children of Wind and the Clan of Peace (A Christ-Legend) (Adapted) by Fiona MacLeod
  • A Spring Lilt (Poem) by Unknown
  • How Butterflies Came by Hans Christian Andersen
  • White Butterflies (Poem) by Algernon Charles Swinburne
  • The Butterfly by Mrs. Alfred Gatty
  • The Wind, a Helper by Mary Stewart
  • The Springing Tree: Willows by Mrs. Dyson
  • Pussy Willow by Kate Louise Brown
  • The Dragon Fly by Mrs. Alfred Gatty
  • The Cicada's Story (Selected) by Agnes McClelland Daulton
  • Edith and the Bees by Helen Keller
  • The Little Tadpoles (From Stories in ''Prose and Verse'') by Katharine Pyle
  • Mr. Hop-Toad (Poem) by James Whitcomb Riley
  • Buz and Hum by Maurice Noël
  • The Story Without an End translated by Sarah Austin from the German of A. Carove
  • Legend of the Forget-Me-Not by Ada M. Skinner
  • Four-Leaf Clover (Poem) by Ella Higginson
  • Jolly Little Tars by Agnes McClelland Daulton
  • Mr. Maple and Mr. Pine by Warren Judson Brier
  • Old English Verse
  • The Easter Rabbit (German Legend) by Eleanor L. Skinner
  • The Boy Who Discovered the Spring by Raymond MacDonald Alden
  • Sheep and Lambs (Poem) by Katharine Tynan
  • Robin Redbreast--A Christ-Legend (Adapted) (From Christ-Legends) by Selma Lagerlöf
  • The Maple Seed from The Atlantic Monthly
  • Why the Ivy Is Always Green by Madge Bingham
  • Jonquils (Poem) by Margaret Deland
  • When Thou Comest Into Thy Kingdom by Mary Stewart
  • The Legend of the Easter Lily by Ada M. Skinner
  • Song by Henry Neville Maughan
  • In the Garden: An Easter Prelude by W. M. L. Jay
  • ''Spirit'' and ''Life'' by Margaret Emma Ditto
  • A Child's Easter (Poem) by Annie Trumbull Slosson
  • The Spirit of Easter by Helen Keller
  • There Are No Dead by Maurice Maeterlinck, adapted from ''The Bluebird" by Madame Maeterlinck
  • Little Boy Blue (Poem) by Alfred Noyes
There is no richer theme for children’s stories than the miracle of Spring. The selections in “The Emerald Story Book” aim to serve the young reader’s interest in three ways. Some of the myths and legends are interesting or amusing because flowers, insects, or birds are presented as personalities and emphasise human qualities or feelings. Some of the stories and poems contribute to the child’s store of knowledge by attracting his attention to some fact, beauty, or blessing in nature which may have escaped his notice. Still others make an appeal by suggesting or affirming the abiding hope symbolised in the thought, “See the land her Easter keeping.”

The child’s heart is filled with the joy of spring,—with the rapture expressed in the thrush’s song which Mrs. Ewing describes. “Fresh water and green woods, ambrosial sunshine and sun-flecked shade, chattering brooks and rustling leaves, glade and sward and dell. Lichens and cool mosses, feathered ferns and flowers. Green leaves! Green leaves! Joy! Joy!” (From the Introduction)

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