Evil Genius

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Wilkie Collins 1886
  • Before the Story - Miss Westerfield's Education - The Trial
  • Before the Story - Miss Westerfield's Education - The Sentence
  • Before the Story - Miss Westerfield's Education - The Letter
  • Before the Story - Miss Westerfield's Education - The Garret
  • Before the Story - Miss Westerfield's Education - The Landlord
  • Before the Story - Miss Westerfield's Education - The Brute
  • Before the Story - Miss Westerfield's Education - The Cipher
  • Before the Story - Miss Westerfield's Education - The Diamonds
  • Before the Story - Miss Westerfield's Education - The Mother
  • Before the Story - Miss Westerfield's Education - The School
  • First Book - Chapter I - Mrs. Presty Presents Herself
  • First Book - Chapter II - The Governess Enters
  • First Book - Chapter III - Mrs. Presty Changes Her Mind
  • First Book - Chapter IV - Randal Receives His Correspondence
  • First Book - Chapter V - Randal Writes to New York
  • First Book - Chapter VI - Sydney Teaches
  • First Book - Chapter VII - Sydney Suffers
  • First Book - Chapter VIII - Mrs. Presty Makes a Discovery
  • First Book - Chapter IX - Somebody Attends to the Door
  • First Book - Chapter X - Kitty Mentions Her Birthday
  • First Book - Chapter XI - Linley Asserts His Authority
  • First Book - Chapter XII - Two of Them Sleep Badly
  • First Book - Chapter XIII - Kitty Keeps Her Birthday
  • First Book - Chapter XIV - Kitty Feels the Heartache
  • Second Book - Chapter XV - The Doctor
  • Second Book - Chapter XVI - The Child
  • Second Book - Chapter XVII - The Husband
  • Second Book - Chapter XVIII - The Nursemaid
  • Second Book - Chapter XIX - The Captain
  • Second Book - Chapter XX - The Mother-in-Law
  • Second Book - Chapter XXI - The Governess
  • Third Book - Chapter XXII - Retrospect
  • Third Book - Chapter XXIII - Separation
  • Third Book - Chapter XXIV - Hostility
  • Third Book - Chapter XXV - Consultation
  • Third Book - Chapter XXVI - Decision
  • Third Book - Chapter XXVII - Resolution
  • Fourth Book - Chapter XXVIII - Mr. Randal Linley
  • Fourth Book - Chapter XXIX - Mr. Sarrazin
  • Fourth Book - Chapter XXX - The Lord President
  • Fourth Book - Chapter XXXI - Mr. Herbert Linley
  • Fourth Book - Chapter XXXII - Miss Westerfield
  • Fourth Book - Chapter XXXIII - Mrs. Romsey
  • Fourth Book - Chapter XXXIV - Mrs. Presty
  • Fourth Book - Chapter XXXV - Captain Bennydeck
  • Fourth Book - Chapter XXXVI - Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
  • Fourth Book - Chapter XXXVII - Mrs. Norman
  • Fifth Book - Chapter XXXVIII - Hear the Lawyer
  • Fifth Book - Chapter XXXIX - Listen to Reason
  • Fifth Book - Chapter XL - Keep Your Temper
  • Fifth Book - Chapter XLI - Make the Best of It
  • Fifth Book - Chapter XLII - Try to Excuse Her
  • Fifth Book - Chapter XLIII - Know Your Own Mind
  • Fifth Book - Chapter XLIV - Think of Consequences
  • Fifth Book - Chapter XLV - Love Your Enemies
  • Fifth Book - Chapter XLVI - Nil Desperandum
  • Fifth Book - Chapter XLVII - Better Do It Than Wish It Done
  • Fifth Book - Chapter XLVIII - Be Careful!
  • Fifth Book - Chapter XLIX - Keep the Secret
  • Fifth Book - Chapter L - Forgiveness to the Injured Doth Belong
  • Fifth Book - Chapter LI - Dum Spiro, Spero
  • Fifth Book - Chapter LII - L'homme propose, et Dieu dispose
  • Fifth Book - Chapter LIII - The Largest Nature, the Longest Love
  • Fifth Book - Chapter LIV - Let Bygones Be Bygones
  • Fifth Book - Chapter LV - Leave It to the Child
The Evil Genius, one of Wilkie Collins' last works, is subtitled "A Domestic Scene". It is the intriguing tale of family Linley, including the "evil genius", and their governess Sydney Westerfield. In colorful pictures, Collins presents the story of this family, which becomes entangled in the often hypocritical Victorian perceptions of morality and decency. (Summary by Carolin)

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