Story of Greece: Told to Boys and Girls

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Mary Esther Miller MacGregor 0
  • To Joyce Moffatt Scott
  • Wonderland
  • The Great God Pan
  • The Six Pomegranate Seeds
  • The Birth of Athene
  • The Two Weavers
  • The Purple Flowers
  • Danae and her Little Son
  • The Quest of Perseus
  • Andromeda and the Sea-Monster
  • Acrisius Is Killed by Perseus
  • Achilles and Briseis the Fair-Cheeked
  • Menelaus and Paris Do Battle
  • Hector and Andromache
  • The Horses of Achilles
  • The Death of Hector
  • Polyphemus the Giant
  • Odysseus Escapes from the Cave
  • Odysseus Returns to Ithaca
  • Argus the Hound Dies
  • The Bow of Odysseus
  • The Land of Hellas
  • Lycurgus and his Little Nephew
  • Lycurgus Returns to Sparta
  • The Training of the Spartans
  • The Helots
  • Aristomenes and the Fox
  • The Olympian Games
  • The Last King of Athens
  • Cylon Fails to Make Himself Tyrant
  • Solon Frees the Slaves
  • The Athenians Take Salamis
  • Pisistratus Become Tyrant
  • Harmodius and Aristogiton
  • The Law of Ostracism
  • The Bridge of Boats
  • Darius Rewards Histiaeus
  • Histiaeus Shaves the Head of His Slave
  • Sardis is Destroyed
  • The Sandal Sewn by Histiaeus
  • Darius Demands Earth and Water
  • The Battle of Marathon
  • Miltiades Sails to the Island of Paros
  • Aristides Is Ostracised
  • The Dream of Xerxes
  • Xerxes Orders the Hellespont to be Scourged
  • 'The Bravest Man of All Hellas'
  • The Battle of Thermopylae
  • The Battle of Artemisium
  • Themistocles Urges Eurybiades to Stay at Salamis
  • Themistocles Tricks the Admirals
  • The Battle of Salamis
  • The Battle of the Plataea
  • The Delian League
  • Themistocles Deceives the Spartans
  • Themistocles Is Ostracised
  • The Eloquence of Pericles
  • Pericles and Elpines
  • The City of Athens
  • Great Men of Athens
  • The Thebans Attack the Plataeans
  • Attica Is Invaded by the Spartans
  • The Last Words of Pericles
  • The Siege of Plataea
  • The Sentence of Death
  • Brasidas Loses his Shield
  • The Spartans Surrender
  • Brasidas the Spartan
  • Amphipolis Surrenders to Brasidas
  • Alcibiades the Favourite of Athens
  • Socrates the Philosophy
  • Alcibiades Praises Socrates
  • The Images of Hermes Are Destroyed
  • Alcibiades Escapes to Sparta
  • The Siege of Syracuse
  • The Athenian Army Is Destroyed
  • Alcibiades Returns to Athens
  • Antiochus Disobeys Alcibiades
  • The Walls of Athens Are Destroyed
  • The March of the Ten Thousand
  • Pelopidas and Epaminondas
  • The Seven Conspirators
  • The Battle of Leuctra
  • The Death of Epaminondas
  • The Two Brothers
  • Timoleon Sends Dionysius to Corinth
  • Icetes Tries to Kill Timoleon
  • The Battle of Crimisus
  • Demosthenes Wishes to Become an Orator
  • Demosthenes the Greatest Orator of Athens
  • The Sacred War
  • Alexander and Bucephalus
  • Alexander and Diogenes
  • The Battle of Granicus
  • The Gordian Knot
  • Darius Gallops from the Battlefield
  • Tyre Is Stormed by Alexander
  • The Battle of Gaugamela
  • Alexander Burns Persepolis
  • Alexander Slays his Foster-Brother
  • Porus and his Elephant
  • Alexander Is Wounded
  • The Death of Alexander
  • Demosthenes in the Temple of Poseidon
A retelling of Greek myths, history and stories aimed at children.

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