- A Boy With A Temper
- Another Boy
- The Football Field
- Don Leaves The Team
- An Unfortunate Compact
- Words Of Wisdom
- A Battle In A Heart
- In The Club-Room
- A Struggle In The Dark
- The Tell-Tale Knife
- Signs Of Guilt
- Who Did It?
- Don Accuses Renwood
- Charge And Countercharge
- In The Autumn Woods
- Tempter And Tempted
- The Tackling Machine
- Trouble On The Team
- The Net Of Deception
- While The Game Was Played
- Bentley Tells How It Happened
- The Doctor’s Story
- The Defeated Eleven
- Fanning The Flames
- Don Decides To Play
- The Proof Against Renwood
- The Forgery Discovered
- Breaking The Fetters
- On The Gridiron
- The First Half
- The Second Half
- The Finish And The Blow
- The Confession
- Repentance And Victory
A fine football story for boys. This is another dime novel from the author of the Frank Merriman series. (Summary by Burt L. Standish)
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